About Us

‘Think simple’ as my old master used to say – meaning reduce the whole of its parts into the simplest terms, getting back to first principles.
— Frank Lloyd Wright

Back to First Principles” is written by us: A&T; two young aerospace engineers whose goal is to share relevant events and inform on applicable, engineering subjects with some fun and personality. With an interest in all things engineering, we have created this blog as an outlet of lifelong learning. As recent Aerospace Engineering graduates, we believe it is our responsibility to continue to educate ourselves and others with a curiosity in STEM fields.

“Back to First Principles” comes from a quote by Frank Lloyd Wright, an American architect, and was chosen as the name of this blog because it encompasses our goal: to take technical subjects and explain them in a way that nearly everyone can understand. We want to go back to basics and explain the significance of current or historical events. Even if you don’t have an engineering degree and you’re still interested in current or past technology, aviation, space exploration, cars, physics, or anything in between, we hope that you will be able to understand, enjoy, and learn from our posts.

This is a photo of the Bell X-1 below a B-29. Image is courtesy of airandspace.si.edu.
This is a photo of the Bell X-1 below a B-29. Image is courtesy of airandspace.si.edu.

Find an error? Have an idea for a topic you would like to learn more about? Would you just like to say hello? Send us an email at backtofirstprinciples@gmail.com.

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